class BitString(object):
Allows bit-level manipulation of a string as if it were an array.
>>> x = pcs.BitString('\xff \xff ')
>>> print x
>>> print repr (x.bytes)
'\xff \xff '
>>> x[4:12] = 0
>>> print x
>>> print bin(x[:8])
>>> print bin(x[8:12])
>>> print bin(x[12:])
>>> print repr (x.bytes)
def __init__(self, bytes):
self.value = 0
self.length = len(bytes)*8
for i,byte in enumerate(bytes[::-1 ]):
self.value += ord(byte) << (i*8 )
def __getitem__(self, n):
if n > len(self):
raise IndexError
return 1 if self.value & (1 << (len(self)-n-1 )) else 0
def __getslice__(self, i, j):
retVal= 0
i = max(i,0 )
j = min(j,len(self))
for n,bit in enumerate(range(i,j)):
retVal <<= 1
retVal += self[bit]
return retVal
def bytes(self): return self.getBytes()
def getBytes(self):
formatString = "%0" + ("%s" % (len(self)/8 )) + "x"
hexstring = formatString % self.value
byteString = binascii.unhexlify(hexstring)
while len(byteString) < len(self)/8 :
byteString = "\x00" + byteString
return byteString
def __len__(self):
return self.length
def __str__(self):
return self.bin()
def __repr__(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + "(%s)" % repr(self.getBytes())
def __setitem__(self, n, x):
x = 1 if x else 0
if x:
self.value |= (x << (len(self)-n-1 ))
else :
self.value = self.value & self._makeMask(n)
def __setslice__(self, i, j, x):
i = max(i,0 )
j = min(j,len(self))
isAList = True
if isinstance(x,int) or isinstance(x,long) or isinstance(x,bool):
isAList = False
for index,n in enumerate(range(i,j)):
if isAList:
self[n] = x[index]
else :
self[n] = x
def _makeMask(self, bit):
mask = 0
bitSkip = (len(self)-bit-1 )
for i in range(len(self)):
if i == bitSkip:
mask += 1 << i
return mask
def hex(self):
return hex(self.value)
def bin(self):
return bin(self.value)
When used in conjunction with pcs.Field, I've set it up to calculate the value with the new method, but still *use* the value from the old method, to show the difference between the new vs. old method. Pay particular attention to syn, ack, fin, reset, and push.
>>> synAckPkt = tcp('09\xd4191\xf6\xae\x00\x00\x00\x01`\x12\xff\xff\xfe"\x00\x00')
Decoding sport --> 12345
Decoding dport --> 54321
Decoding sequence --> 959575726
Decoding ack_number --> 1
Decoding offset --> 6
Decoding reserved --> 0
Decoding urgent --> 0
Decoding ack --> 1
Decoding psh --> 0
Decoding reset --> 0
Decoding syn --> 1
Decoding fin --> 0
Decoding window --> 65535
Decoding checksum --> 65058
Decoding urg_pointer --> 0
>>> print repr(synAckPkt)
<class tcp {reset: 4, psh: 2, reserved: 0, sequence: 959575726, ack: 1, checksum: 65058, offset: 6, syn: 9, urgent: 0, window: 65535, ack_number: 1, dport: 54321, sport: 12345, fin: 0, urg_pointer: 0}>
>>> print repr(
<class payload {payload: ''}>
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